The institution ensures adequate availability and optimal utilization of physical infrastructure as it is
critically linked to the vision of the college – ‘to create an environment of excellence in education’ through technologically advanced
pedagogical tools. At the beginning of the academic year need-assessment for replacement/up-gradation/addition of the existing
infrastructure is carried out based on the suggestions from academic sub-committee members, Heads of Departments and system administrator
after reviewing course requirements, computer-student ratio, budget constraints, working condition of the existing equipment and also
students’ grievances. The Finance and Purchase subcommittees plan ahead for all requirements regarding classrooms, furniture and other
- Optimal deployment of infrastructure is ensured through conducting offline and online workshops/awareness programs/training programs
for faculty on the use of new technology.
- Effective utilization of infrastructure is ensured through supervision by system administrator/the Principal.
- Optimal utilization is ensured through encouraging innovative teaching-learning practices.
- The available physical infrastructure is optimally utilized within and beyond regular college hours to conduct co-curricular /extra-
curricular activities, parent-teacher meetings, campus recruitment sessions, meetings, seminars, conferences etc.
- The physical infrastructure is used as an examination centre for various recruitment examinations, Government examinations, apart from
University examinations.
- Purchase of books is done from appointed vendors based upon requirements received from the departments at the beginning of the academic
year, subscribed journals are maintained and increased from time to time, and an extension plan for reading room space is in the pipeline.
The library software is up-graded when possible and a process of digitization of catalogues is under way.
- Sports equipments are checked and requirements placed before the Purchase subcommittee at the beginning of the session, and then duly
purchased through public notification and tendered quotations. The department of Physical Education purchases and provides sporting
costume (track suits etc.) each year in this manner to students.
- Classrooms, toilets, separate common rooms for boys and girls (with a vending machine for sanitary napkins) are maintained and overseen
by the Building committee and the Principal.
Sl.No |
Topic Name |
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1 |
SOP on tolerance and harmony |
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2 |
SOP gender equity |
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3 |
SOP model conduct |
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